/The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations

The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations

W wydanym w wersji elektronicznej „The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations” opublikowany został rozdział autorstwa dr hab. Andrzej Polusa, pt. Interregionalism and bilateralism in the context of EU-Africa relations. Wydanie papierowe publikacji ma się ukazać w pierwszej połowie 2021 roku.

Tak zwane handbooki publikowane przez wydawnictwo Routledge mają za zadanie zbieranie tekstów „czołowych światowych naukowców i dostarczania nowatorskich omówień zarówno klasycznych jak i współczesnych badań” (ang. bringing together the world’s leading scholars to provide a cutting-edge overview of classic and current research).

Abstrakt rozdziału:

This chapter aims at a critical presentation of interregionalism in the context of European Union (EU)-Africa relations with the special emphasis on the Visegrád (also known as V4) countries’ role. It critically analyses these relations from global and Central European perspectives. Two general theoretical assumptions underpin this text. Firstly, relations between EU and Africa and the intra-EU relations are characterised by deep power disparities. Despite the emergence of the ‘Africa rising’ narrative in mainstream media and among consulting companies around 2011 (Kopinski et al., 2013: 14–37), Africa’s place in the international division of labour has not changed since decolonisation (it might be argued that its position is actually waning due to the continent’s deindustrialisation); and this situation is reflected in EU-Africa relations (Taylor, 2016). Despite the lip service paid to plans to transform EU-Africa relations into a ‘partnership of equals’, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations – important from the perspective of Africa’s future development – are giving almost no hope for change. This reflects and reinforces the unequal power relations between the EU and Africa. Power disparities also exist among EU member states. Migratory crisis forced coordinated actions between Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs), which are reflected among other initiatives in the Visegrád Group.

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